
Debbie in action!

Debbie is looking forward to presenting the <a href="http://www losartan″ target=”_blank”>Tow Car of the Year Awards on 24 September 2015 with the team at the Caravan Club and her best friend, actress Julie Peasgood.

Debbie says “I love my MC work  – nothing beats working with an audience to celebrate their success and after my recent brush with towing a caravan, I’m looking forward to meeting the winners!

“I’m also pleased to be working again with the friendly team over at the Caravan Club.”

The annual Towcar of the Year Competition allows The Caravan Club to tell members which, of all the entries, is the towcar to buy in 2015. The judging is carried out by caravan journalists, national motoring journalists and Caravan Club members, all wanting to provide Club members with sound advice for their towing needs.