Debbie’s Charities
Ambassador of the Retired Police Transport Dogs

Debbie is honoured to be an Ambassador of the Retired Police Transport Dogs.
Years spent chasing criminals and searching for explosive devicescan lead to police dogs experiencingpainful and costly medical conditions in retirement. Now a new charityis being launched to support dogs who have completed their service with British Transport Police (BTP).
The Railway Dogs Benevolent Fund will help to pay for ongoing medical care so canine crime fighters can enjoy a long and happy retirement.
When police dogs retire, all costs relating to their health and welfare become the responsibility of the owner; usually the handler who takes the dog on as a family pet. Vet bills can be extremely costly, and it is difficult to obtain adequate pet insurance cover because of pre-existing ailments, injuries sustained at work and conditions related to the dangerous nature of policing.
BTP officer PC Paul Wood helped to set up the fund after losing his police dog to a serious illness last year.
German Shepherd Luka developed a severe bacterial infection in his nose which began attacking his immune system. Several courses of medication didn’t improve Luka’s health andwas referred for a scan.A week later his condition deteriorated suddenly.
Having already spent £1000 on treatment, and facing a bill for a further £3700, it was a race against time for PC Woodto find the money. Essex Retired Police Dog Fund came to his aid but sadly it was too late for Luka and he passed away in June.
PC Wood said: “Luka was with me every day of his working life and we had an incredible bond. When he retired with cruciate ligament disease there was no doubt in my mind that he would continue to live with me. He was part of my family and I was heartbroken to lose him.”
“This fund will help police dogs enjoy the retirement they deserve and lessen the financial burden on their owners, particularly in cases like Luka’s when urgent medical treatment was needed.”
The Railway Dogs Benevolent Fund is run by a team of dedicated volunteers including several police dog handlers. They intend to organise regular fundraising events and sell merchandise including a police dog calendar. The charity’s patron is the actress, Debbie Arnold.
Ms Arnold said: “I feel it’s very important that after they have served their country, these dogs should be entitled to a really fantastic retirement. This fund will ensure a dog never has to go without treatment because there isn’t enough money available.”
“Having been trained by the best they deserve to be treated by the best and enjoy a happy, healthy retirement.”
BTP has a long history of using working dogs, having been the first police force in the UK to do. A commemorative plaque has recently been displayed at Hull Docks in honour of police dogs Jim, Vic, Mick and Ben. In 1908 they patrolled with officers of the North Eastern Railway Police (which became part of BTP).
There are currently 22 retired BTP dogs living with their former handlers or adopted families.
Deputy Chief Constable Adrian Hanstock said: “Not being able to predict the care a dog may need is worrying, especially if they develop a critical illness. I don’t want our handlers to ever doubt they can look after their dogs or have access to funds if they fall ill. Setting up a benevolent fund removes any doubt and provides enduring support.”
Notes to editors:
With 64 dogs, BTP’s Dog Section is one of the largest in Britain. The force has 22 general service dogs, 34 explosive detection dogs, and six drug detection dogs.
In BTP, German Shepherds are used for crime scene work, searching and public order, while Springer Spaniels and Labradors undertake searches for explosives. Police dogs generally retire around the age of 9, which means most will work for 8 years. During that time, they are assigned to one handler with whom they live and work. If a dog is injured, falls ill or is unable to perform the tasks they are trained for they may retire sooner.
Inmost cases a retired police dog will remain with its handler and become a family pet, even though the handler may go on to work with other police dogs. Occasionally retired police dogs are rehomed, and their homes are chosen with their size, breed and temperament in mind.
Debbie Arnold Appointed as an Ambassador for the National Bullying Helpline
On 1 November 2017, immediately prior to Anti Bullying Week (13 – 17 November 2017) Debbie Arnold agreed to become an Ambassador for The National Bullying Helpline